Hero photograph
St Columba Church Grey Lynn
Photo by Bronwyn Hackett

St. Columba Church Facing an Uncertain Future

Bronwyn Hackett —

Proposed demolition of the church, vicarage and Community Centre and gardens.

Dear members of the Grey Lynn Community and friends of St. Columba:

The parishioners of St. Columba Anglican Church, 92 Surrey Crescent Grey Lynn are facing a huge challenge of change and we are seeking your prayers and support.

The Auckland Diocesan Council, our governing body, appointed a Commission to look at the ongoing viability and sustainability of the Grey Lynn Parish and to propose a way forward. The Commission’s report suggests 3 options, all of which recommend a major redevelopment of the St. Columba site including the demolition of the church, vicarage and Community Centre. The beautiful gardens, established trees, Labyrinth and Te Mara organic community gardens would all be at risk if any of the proposed options were to progress.

The parishioners of Grey Lynn disagree with the Commission’s options particularly the demolition of the church. The vestry’s intent is to keep St. Columba operating as a church and community centre.

We have prepared an alternative proposal which includes consultation with our multicultural congregation, hall users and the wider Grey Lynn community. It is our hope that through working together a solution will emerge.

We see the church and grounds as taonga, a sacred space, a place of peace and healing to be shared and enjoyed with the wider community. Local heritage buildings and community gathering spaces are becoming increasingly rare as the city expands. We ask that you join with us as we seek to secure the future of St. Columba.

To become a friend of St. Columba please like our Facebook page or email: office@saintcolumbas.org.nz

We have recently  a community meeting in the church on the 19th of June and a meeting with the Bishop will also take place on the 26th June at 1pm in the church.

All Welcome

Vestry of St. Columba Anglican Church.

Email: office@saintcolumbas.org.nz

Phone: 09 3769119 (Office)