Courtney Yukich — Jul 28, 2017

Wow! We are halfway through the year already. We have had a great start to the new term.

What’s happening in the Totara Team this term?

This term in maths we are focusing on Number and Measurement. In literacy, we are working on writing persuasive arguments. Our inquiry focus is "Forces".   

Changes in the way we use our learning spaces

Changes to our school building project has provided our team with a chance to explore working more collaboratively.  We are now using Room 19 and 20 as meeting hubs and our two new rooms at the end of the Kowhai Village as breakout rooms.  Throughout the day children move between the spaces.  Uala and Courtney are paired up and Portia and Ben's classes are working together.

So far the teachers are enjoying this more collaborative approach. Some of the benefits we have noticed are: 

-more teacher time for groups 

-shared teacher expertise

As stated at the end of last term we may hold a parent evening. Many parents have been in to chat so we thought that before a date is set we would ask parents to register their interest in this.  Please email your classroom teacher if you would like to attend a parent evening and any questions you would like answered.

Visit our team blog to keep up to date with new learning and experiences in our team.  Thanks to the parents who are reading our blog and leaving comments.  

Home Learning this term...

This term's home learning consists of reading daily and using Mathletics. If your child does not know their times tables to the 12x these should also be a focus.

Ways to learn times tables include....

-singing along to the times tables toons on Mathletics

-rote learning times tables by reciting or using flash cards

-having a times tables chart/poster somewhere visible in your home

Oral Presentations

This term children will also need to prepare an oral presentation to share with the class in Week 5. This can be in the form of a presentation or speech. Those children who would like to be judged for the speech finals need to present a 2-3 minute speech. The speech final winner will represent the school at the Inner City Competition and also present at school assembly.

Students will be given a set of criteria and resources to help them plan their oral presentation. These need to be worked on at home and will be presented in Week 5. We will have a team speech finals in Week 6 with the best two students from each class competing.

Children are given an option between giving a speech or creating a presentation. This aims to cater to the different ways in which children learn and to build confidence in public speaking for those who find speeches difficult.

Extra homework (optional)

All classes participate in a weekly chapter chat based on a shared book. This term it is "Ghost" by Jason Reynolds.  Children complete activities related to the book in class but they may like to complete extra activities of their choice at home.

Important dates to note this term:

Wednesday 9th August: Year 6's Pasadena Intermediate Visit (All students attend, this is a great taster for intermediate) Please bring in signed permission slips if you haven't already! There is a copy attached if you have not yet signed one. You can email class teacher with permission if you are unable to print the notice. (Year 6 Only)

Friday 25th August: Science in a Van: Force and Motion Show 

Wed, 30 August: Year 6's at Ponsonby Leadership Day 10:00 – 12:00

Monday 11th September: Room 18 & 19 Motat Trip

Friday 15th September: Room 17 & 29 Motat Trip

Please email your child’s classroom teacher if you have any questions.

Looking forward to another great term in the Totara Team!

Courtney Yukich

Uala Toamaka

Portia France

Ben Shrimpton