Hero photograph
Bill Barker - Principal 

Happy Holidays

William Barker —

TVNZ -  Te Karere

As part of Maori language week we were invited by TVNZ's Te Karere to show how we, as a high decile school,  integrate  tikanga  Maori and te reo Maori into our school programme. 

I have  received very positive feedback following the segment on TV  on Tuesday night.


I am very proud of the students who spoke and the way the school performed. This is a result of a whole staff effort led by Ani. We greatly value Ani for her leadership, skills and generosity.

Literacy at Grey Lynn School

The New Zealand Reading Association has recently visited Grey Lynn School to record our practices as part of a presentation to be made at an international reading conference to be held in Vancouver. The feedback about our school's literacy programme from these experts has been very positive.  Chris Bocock from National Reading Recovery  said:

Today I saw, in Debbie’s room, the most amazing classroom and teaching I have ever seen. It‘s a perfect example of all we would want to happen in a New Zealand classroom regarding literacy learning.

Congratulations Debbie, from us all.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our staff for the incredible amount of work you all put into meeting the learning needs of  your children. 

Student Led Conferences

Thank you to all our Year 4-6 children for the way you conducted yourself at the Year 4-6 student led conferences.  The presentations I saw were outstanding. 


Have a safe an enjoyable time over the coming weeks and we look forward to seeing you all back in Term 3.