Welcome back to school - Nau mai hoki mai ki te kura
We are looking forward to seeing students at school on Wednesday 31st for the 'Teacher Connect' day.
Kia ora e te whānau
We are really looking forward to having our Marshland tamariki back at school. To those tamariki and whānau who are new to Marshland School - Te Rito Harakeke, nau mai haere mai - welcome.
On Wednesday, 31st January, the school will be open for our Open Morning and Teacher Connect sessions. This is where students, parents, and whānau can come into school and engage in information sessions led in collaboration with your child's teachers.
Your child's collaboration teachers will be leading the information session at a set time throughout the morning. At this time, please feel free to meet your teacher within the learning hub for the session. The times for hub sessions are:
- 9:00 am Toroa - Year 7-8 (hub)
- 9:30 am Korimako - Year 5-6 Team Teague/ Mitchell (hub) Team Sutherland/ Limmer (hall)
- 10:00 am Tūī - Year 3-4. Tūī Kōwhai (hub), Tūī Rata (hall)
- 10:30 am Pukeko - Year 2. (hub)
- 11:00 am Kiwi - Year 1. (hub)
Outside of these times in the morning, you are welcome to move around learning spaces with your children, drop off stationery and engage informally with staff. Supervision will be provided for your children in the playground until 12:00 pm.
Please see our 2024 staffing structure below, in case you need to familiarise yourself with the name of your child's Homebase teacher or any other teacher/staff who is collaborating with them.
The Senior Leadership team will be providing a free sausage for parents, whānau, students or family members when they come into school. We would like to thank New Zealand Home Loans (NZHL) for the use of their BBQ trailer for this. This will be positioned outside of the main office. Te Rito Cafe will also be open during this time.
We understand many of you will be back at work, and you may not be able to pop into school with your children on Wednesday, the 31st, for the Open Morning and Teacher Connect sessions. If so, please don't worry. We will send you all the necessary information on Wednesday and look forward to seeing your children on Thursday, 1st February.
If your child is not a New Entrant (beginning school for the first time) and feel it is required, you also have the option to book an individual 10 minute meeting with Homebase teachers to discuss any critical social, emotional wellbeing, cultural or medical considerations for the school year. If you had a transition meeting with your child’s teacher at the end of 2023, you may not need to book a 1-1 session. The booking system will be open until 12 pm Tuesday 30th January.
To book your Teacher Connect Session click on this link -
If you have any questions in the meantime, please feel free to contact your child's team leader:
- Ann Gain - Kiwi (Year 1) gain@marshland.school.nz
- Kellie Sim - Pukeko (Year 2) sim@marshland.school.nz
- Paula Calvert - Tui - Kōwhai (Year 3-4) calvert@marshland.school.nz
- Sam Jones - Tui - Rata (Year 3-4) jones@marshland.school.nz
- Dave Sutherland - Korimako (Year 5-6) sutherland@marshland.school.nz
- Carolyn Davies - Toroa (Year 7-8) davies@marshland.school.nz
We hope you have a wonderful week and look forward to seeing you soon.
Ngā mihi nui
Leigh Fowler