What's Happening in our School Community?
Below you will find the latest news from local community groups, sports clubs and more.
Parklands United Netball
Parklands United Netball are a growing club offering anyone netball from 3 years upwards, encouraging boys & men to also join! Christchurch Netball are creating new competitions this season for mixed netball and at Parklands United we invite anyone who is interested to reach out & join us.
Prior to competition netball we also offer Fun Ferns sessions every Friday from 3:30 - 4:30 in the Parklands Community Centre aged for any child 3-7yrs (incl Year 0, 1 & 2). From Year 3 we support the local Friday night competitions at the Celebration Centre Aranui [Yr3/4] & Rawhiti Domain [Yr5/6] as well as the Saturday Age Group competitions in Hagley Park/Nga Puna Wai then Social & Competitive Netball for U18 and adults.
Neuro Affirming Anxiety Reducing Services
Burwood Football
Thank you to Washoku-Kitchen who has donated $120 back to the school from Term 2 Sushi sales. Your ongoing support each term is appreciated!
Public Health Nurse
Kia ora - My name is Holly, I’m the allocated Public Health Nurse for your school. I work with tamariki and whānau where health and wellbeing concerns impact on their home and school lives.Thousands of tamariki in New Zealand wake in the morning to a wet bed. Wetting the bed at night (nocturnal enuresis) is very common in young tamariki.
It affects approximately:- 15% of 5-year-olds- 5% of 10-year-olds- 2% of 15-year-olds- 1% of adults
The Public Health Nursing Service accepts referrals for children 7 Years and older who experience bed wetting. Follow the link for further information on Bed Wetting Bedwetting | KidsHealth NZ
Please contact me if you have any health concerns for your tamariki.
My details are:
Phone 027 284 3397Email holly.cummings@cdhb.health.nzFor more information on the Public Health Nursing Service: Public Health Nursing Service (PHNS)
Te Whatu Ora ‐ Waitaha Canterbury (cdhb.health.nz)
Referrals: 08e86c56-referral-form-public-health-nursing-service.pdf (cdhb.health.nz)email completed referral form to phnburwood@cdhb.health.nz
Entertainment Book
Click the link to order your Entertainment Book https://subscribe.entertainmentnz.com/fundraiser/134n160
Kidsbase Marshland has spaces available in our Before School, Afterschool, and School Holiday Programmes.
Simply log onto Kidsbase.aimyplus.com and follow the onscreen instructions to complete a booking.
Full program and booking details are available on www.kidsbase.co.nz or text your email address to 027 239 7690 and we will send you an information pack.