Hero photograph
Photo by Jacqui Pascoe

Marshland School creates a Culture of Care with Kindness Challenges

Jacqui Pascoe —

Reduce bullying - Promote kindness

As part of Bullying-Free NZ Week, Marshland School’s focus has been on teaching kindness to prevent bullying. 

The work at the school by staff centers around  consistent daily activities focused on kindness to make a difference and promore a culture of care.  The school had a variety of fun events and activities to support kindness during Bullying free week finishing the week with a Pink Shirt Day.

Throughout the following weeks students have been  learning  how acts of kindness in both words and actions can have a positive impact on the world they live in. The activities allow students to experience first-hand the results from even the smallest kind act.

Kindness challenges

To sustain this, each day I post kindness challenges for the children and house points are given to children caught in the act of being kind. This comes in the form of daily notices that are read out by a teacher each morning. This is one way of stopping bullying and just heightening children’s awareness of bullying and being kind. 

Our year 6 - 8 Hubs have a box that children can post anonymously any concerns or worries. These are brought up in Home Groups and children can offer solutions to each other. Teachers check the box regularly.  This makes it easier for children who don't feel comfortable sharing their feeling to have their say.  We also work with individuals or small groups of children when disagreements, or incidents happen.  

Last week some lucky Marshland students were invited to sample the new Taiora QEII Recreation and Sport Centre before it opened to the public. They had a wonderful time, and Marshland School will now have our swimming lessons at this venue. We are so thrilled to have this great facility back open in the East!

This week we say goodbye to Korimako Team Leader Blair Cook. Blair has been appointed the new Assistant principal of the new Ararira School in Lincoln. I thank Blair very much for all his hard work setting up and establishing the Korimako Year 5 and 6 Hub, and wish him all the very best for what I am sure will be an exciting future. Mrs Natasha Raynel will take over Blair's Home group from Monday until the end of the year, and Ms. Melanie Roberts will act as team leader for the Korimako Team from Monday until the end of the year. 

Nga mihi nui - hei kōna

Jacqui Pascoe
