Jacqui Pascoe — Feb 26, 2018

Kia ora mai āno While the last two weeks have been short, children have been very busy learning about their new year level, Hub expectations, new routines and making new friends.

Some of our children (Year 5 -8) are involved in the Manaiakalani Outreach programme this year. This is based on the Learn, Create, Share pedagogy and is known for improving student achievement in writing. Our children have already signed up to be in contact with a number of schools throughout the North and South Island via a blogging system. The children are all taught how to write helpful, thoughtful, kind comments first, and then they get comments about the work they put on their blog, whether it be a piece of writing, an Information report, maths or science inquiry project. They, in turn, have to critique and comment on other children’s work throughout NZ. This has the effect of giving each child regular individual feedback about their work from a range of different people, which the children find very motivating to improve and write things that are going to engage their audience.

This week our Pukeko Nest children had a great day out at New Brighton and made good use of the great facilities there. Staff, children and parents had a wonderful time! Thanks to all the parents who helped out on the day! Teachers have been busy getting to grips with their new Code of Responsibility and Standards which differ slightly from the Professional Teacher Competencies they have been used to. Each teacher creates a blog and keeps evidence and reflections throughout the year on how they are meeting these standards.

We have camps coming up for Toroa (year 7 and 8) and Korimako (year 5 and 6) which will be another fantastic learning opportunity for them We have all had such a great start to the year, and once again I am so impressed with how our existing children have included the new children into their friendship groups.

Have a great weekend 

Nga mihi – hei kōna
Jacqui Pascoe