School Lunch Options
Subway and Sushi lunches are available as school lunch options.
Washoku-Kitchen lunch days are Thursdays.
Subway lunch days are Fridays.
You can order (or cancel) an ezlunch online, any time before 9 am on the day of delivery, or schedule your order in advance. Your Subway and Washoku-Kitchen lunches are delivered to the school office in time for lunch.
ezlunch orders are made online through your myKindo account. One account for the whole family! Get started now
Click here to log in.
Click here to see both the Subway and Sushi menus.
Help? Visit or tel. 0800 EZLUNCH (0800 3958624) or 09 475 5287 during term time 8 am-4 pm.
Lunch Box Considerations
There are students throughout the school who have severe allergies to various food items, such as nuts, peanut butter, and kiwifruit.
Even if some of these tamariki so much as touch a person who has eaten some of these foods or touch a door handle, they can go into anaphylaxis shock, which can be life-threatening.
Due to allergies, we encourage parents and whānau to consider other options where possible and refrain from sending their children to school with peanut butter sandwiches, nut bars, and nuts, etc. However, notices will be sent home to any parents and whānau of tamariki who may be eating or sitting in close proximity to an identified student with a severe nut, kiwifruit or food allergy, asking them to be extra cautious. This is one of the measures taken by the school to protect tamariki health if severe allergies are identified.
Waste-Free Lunchboxes