Maia Smith — May 4, 2023

Our School Cross Country is coming up on Tuesday 9th May at Marshland School. All students will be eligible to earn house points on the day to see who is the winning house for the Cross Country Cup!

The maps for each circuit are included in this message.

The organisation for the day will be as follows:


Junior School Fun Run

9:30 - Kiwi Hub (1 lap)

9:50 - Pūkeko Hub (2 laps)

11:00 - Tui Hub (3 laps)



Junior School Cross Country

This event involves students completing laps of a track around the field full of fun obstacles. The number of laps completed changes depending on their age. Students complete this race as their class running as boys and girls.

Senior School Cross Country

Students will have the opportunity to compete in two races. The 2km and 3km morning races are strongly encouraged for all students to compete in. This event must also be raced in if your child would like to be eligible for the Zones Competition.

All children will then be competing in the relay style race in the afternoon. Year 5/6 students will compete in teams of 2 running 1km each and the year 7/8 students in teams of 3 running 1km each. These teams can either be girls, boys or mixed. These teams will be organised in class.