Reporting Student Learning
We know that many of our parents and whānau value face-to-face time with teachers during student learning conferences.
LEARNING CONFERENCE STRUCTURE - Learning conferences involve parents and whānau meeting face-to-face or online with Home base teachers to talk about their child's learning. It is beneficial if students are actively involved and also attend these conferences. However, it is the parental choice if they are included or not, as we recognise that many of our parents and whānau have different preferences. We appreciate this can also change from time to time, depending on different circumstances, e.g. student commitments outside of school etc.
REPORTING AND LEARNING CONFERENCE TIMELINE - You will receive an updated progress report at the end of each term, indicating where your child sits in relation to curriculum-level expectations for their age. This will also include a bar graph to show student progress over time. A different learning post or general comment will be included each Term. Details of these are outlined below.
LEARNING CELEBRATIONS - We hold Learning Celebrations at the end of Term 2 and Term 3. The Term 4 Learning Celebration will include end-of-year assemblies. Learning Celebrations will generally be held on the last Thursday of Term 2 and 3 each year. Further correspondence will come out regarding the dates and the format of these closer to the time.
We do not hold a Learning Celebration in Term 1, due to reporting and learning conference timelines.