Paul Tyson — Aug 13, 2023

The Kiwi Learning Hub is open from 8.30 am and begins instruction at 9.00 am.

It is recommended your tamariki arrive with enough time to unpack their bag, sign in, and have a little play before settling into the school day. We encourage tamariki to complete these tasks independently to build confidence.

A stationery pack is available already made up at the school office with all tamariki requirements. These include appropriately lined books to make the teaching of printing easier. You may purchase these ahead of time and leave them with us to label if you wish. 

Starting school is very tiring for your tamariki. They have so much to absorb and learn. It is likely they will be exhausted for the first few weeks, but they will develop their stamina quickly and settle into routines. If you are worried about how your tamariki are transitioning, please talk to their classroom teacher or the Team Leader - Ann Gain -

There are a number of things that would be great if tamariki can do independently when they start school.

It is also helpful if your tamariki can: