Hero photograph
Photo by Nora Harrison

Happy Sāmoa Independence Day - Toroa

Nora Harrison —

On Wednesday the 1st of June, Sāmoa celebrated 60 years of independence. This Sāmoan language week. Toroa has been learning about Fa'a Sāmoa, the Sāmoan way.

Tamariki began learning about Sāmoa and the language in term 1. This term we decided to look at Fa'a Sāmoa, which translates to “The Sāmoan Way.” and encompasses the Sāmoan culture and traditions that are part of the everyday lives of many Samoan people.

At the start of our lesson, we watched a quick video about the importance of Samoan language week and how being able to speak your native language on the way you connect with your culture and your mental health.

Tamariki were introduced to Siva Sāmoa, Samoan dances. Through watching several types of dances performed by rangatahi. Our tamariki were captivated by some of these performances as well as the level of commitment that these rangatahi had put in. Siva is one way for Sāmoans to connect with their homeland and it is another way to show great respect and honour to the family. Siva is performed during celebrations, meditation and mourning. 

Video-Polyfest 2022: Manurewa High School Performance Sāmoan Group.

Tamariki were then introduced to different aspects of Fa’a Sāmoa, including, Kilikiti—Sāmoa’s Version of Cricket, Sāmoan religious events/ceremonies like weddings and White Sunday, Sāmoan cuisine as well as learning about Fa’amatai, the political system used in Sāmoa.

Tamariki engaged in a rich discussion about what they have learned to what they know and understand about Tikanga Māori. Tamariki were able to connect the importance of kapa haka to Siva and how some feel like they are connecting to their roots and representing their whānau.

Our tamariki task was to then present what they have learned on slides. Here are a few of these presentations.