Hero photograph

Our Kaitiaki Journey

Sally Kent —

We were all chosen to be part of the kaitiaki group. We looked at our Red Zone land and visited some others.

We worked in groups to design something we would like to put in the Red Zone land. There were things like benches, tree houses, other seating, parkour and a Sunday market.
My group designed a parkour area for the Red Zone. It had things for climbing and jumping.

We presented our designs in the Avon Loop Cottage.

A highlight of being in the Kaitiaki group this year has been working together with the others and seeing what we could do. It was good to have nice leaders like SIan and Emma to help us.

The next step will be working out where our things can go and building them in the land. I’m hoping I can come back to Christchurch East next year to help out.

Alex, Year 8