Hero photograph
Photo by Jocelyn Wright

A walk about for the early years group ….

Jocelyn Wright - Across School Kāhui Lead, Hagley College —

On Wednesday 18th November, under grey skies and a hint of drizzle, members of our Kahui early years group met at Tākaro ā Poi /Margaret Mahy playground to begin a ‘city tour’ with Samantha from Matauraka Mahaanui.

Our walk involved learning about the ways Maori histories and narratives have been woven into the architecture and landscaping of our regenerated city. We stopped and listened to Samantha’s narrative about significant features in the landscape, from Tākaro ā Poi to Riverside. How often have we walked these pathways and not realised the important messages embedded at our feet? Samantha challenged us with the responsibility for weaving this new knowledge and insights into our local curriculum.

Image by: Jocelyn Wright

Early in 2021 we plan to follow up this mahi by meeting with Samantha to learn more and to decide on what we might be able to develop and do together. Please look out for the date.

In the meantime you might like to visit these sites for further information:


