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Photo by Leoni Combrink

Culturally Responsive Practice Achievement Challenge

Jasmine Lambert - Across School Kāhui Lead, Te Puna Wai O Waipapa —

This year sees the development of a new and important Achievement Challenge for our kāhui ako

Our kāhui ako lead group have been working to establish a fourth achievement challenge, centred around culturally responsive practice, and the second half of this year will see further collaborative development in this space. 

The mix of ECE, primary, area, and secondary kura, and Māori medium and English medium education settings provides Te Taura Here o Ōtautahi with a kete full of opportunities and potential directions, and it is important that this achievement challenge reflects who we are, and where we are.

As a kāhui, we are connected with Mātauraka Mahaanui, our local mana whenua facilitators, and we’re hoping to return to our planned work with them when their capacity allows.

In the meantime, we will move forward with establishing how we can further serve our tamariki and ākonga Māori to achieve their greatest potential as Māori within our diverse settings. We know there is strong culturally responsive practice occurring within our kāhui and connecting with each other to affirm and share this is a priority. Each ECE and kura also has their own perceived areas of improvement when it comes to ensuring positive outcomes for ākonga Māori and supporting each other to strengthen these is a desired outcome.

Currently, we see successful outcomes including the following:

  • Expanding culturally responsive place based learning
  • Enhancing provision for tikanga and te reo Māori learning for ākonga and staff
  • Expanding how we engage with whānau, and our Māori communities, and the scope of that engagement
  • Providing access to culturally based PLD, targeting ākonga Māori success
  • Measurable improved outcomes for ākonga Māori

If you are interested in contributing to the development of this achievement challenge, or would like a kōrero about any of the above, please contact Jasmine Lambert, AST based at Te Puna Wai o Waipapa Hagley College, jasmine.lambert@staff.hagley.school.nz