Jasmine Lambert - Across School Kāhui Lead, Hagley College — Apr 1, 2021

A group of Hagley kaiako from a range of teaching areas has come together with the aim of exploring and improving educational experiences for our ākonga Māori.

Aimee Mahuta (PE/Health), Tinamarie Munro (Science), Fiona Brownlie (Performing Arts), and Jasmine Lambert (English), together with valued cultural support and advice from Sondra Pawhau-Bunt (Māori and Social Sciences) have begun regular hui this term. 

Our initial work has focused around connecting with ākonga and their whānau to learn more about what achieving success as Māori could look like in the range of subject areas within our kura. We have also begun kōrero with organisations outside of Hagley, including Pūhoro STEM Academy, and the He Toki Māori Pre-trades Programme at Ara. 

As the year progresses, we intend to work with kaiako to support positive change within our teaching spaces in order to provide our ākonga Māori with consistent opportunities to achieve their educational aspirations. If you’d like to learn more about this project, please contact any of the above staff members.