Strengthening links across our learning community
We're establishing common areas of interest across our kāhui ako and then using our resources to strengthen ties between us.
A first step is updating our achievement challenges to make sure that they're
relevant and link in to each kura's and ECE's
strategic plans for 2022. We want to do this now so that kāhui ako work can link in effectively as our institutions plan and set up for next year. Our draft document is attached for your input - email with comments and suggestions by 9 August please.
We'll then take the new document to our community so that they can tell us about the challenges they want to focus on as they plan for 2022. We'll then look at how we can make best use of our kāhui ako teachers to team up across our community and work together on shared projects.
The achievement challenges are intended to be fairly high level [as well as the actions identified too], then specific projects derive from the challenges.