Hero photograph
Photo by Lorraine Lowe

Working Hard to Create a Sense of Community

Lorraine Lowe, In School Kāhui Teacher, Christchurch East School —

In line with our CES kaupapa, especially ‘Nohonga Tahitanga’, we have been working hard to create a sense of community by giving back and taking part. “Do I make a difference?” “How can I contribute?”

Since the last newsletter, we were delighted to find out that we have successfully been granted the lease on a piece of red-zone land which will be developed by a group of 15 children who will be kaitiaki for that space. Their vision and ideas for the space for the community will be realised over a long period of time kindly supported and facilitated by CCC and Woodland Escape.

We have also moved closer to beginning our journey as Nature Agents, monitoring our local river for plants and wildlife and checking the water quality, reporting back on our findings.

We have also had visits and chats with Volunteer Canterbury and the Graffiti Team who are helping us get our tamariki involved in understanding why we help in our community and how we can do this.

Our teachers have been working on Giving Back Inquiries using tuakana teina (groups from year 0 - to year 6) across the school and working on a range of projects from Snap, Send and Solve walks to creating and distributing bird and bee feeders.

Team Koru sent out newsletters to all local kindergartens and invited them to visit us as part of our transition programme. Here are some photos of Haven ELC visiting Team Koru last week.