Hero photograph
Photo by Leoni Combrink

Bite Size Learning New Zealand Institute of Wellbeing and Resilience

Sarah Higginson- within school kāhui teacher, Ao Tawhiti —

We are really grateful to have access to this wellbeing resource to support educator knowledge and understanding of wellbeing and resilience. Dr Lucy Hone & Dr Denise Quinlan have designed and created this engaging resource targeted specifically to the education sector.

We have access to Series One, which has 7 episodes, with topics such as overcoming the negativity bias, managing anxiety, strengths and gratitude. Please talk to the wellbeing lead in your school about how this resource will be used. I am happy to assist in delivering this program to your staff. Any questions can also be directed to Sarah Higginson, WST at Ao Tawhiti. sarah.higginson@aotawhiti.school.nz