Jasmine Lambert - Across School Kāhui Lead, Hagley College — Apr 1, 2021

This year sees the beginning of a kāhui ako initiative designed to provide an extra pair of hands in supporting our Year 12 students to reach their academic goals for 2021 and beyond.

Our intention is to connect with learners who have variable levels of attendance, engagement in class, and achievement towards NCEA at this point in the year. Two within-school kaiako, Naomi Milner, and Sarah Parder, are working with across-school teacher Jasmine Lambert, and our Year Advisor for Year 12, Melanie Rich, to learn more from these students, their subject teachers and tutors about the sorts of interventions that could make a difference to their education outcomes for the year. 

Our hope is that by offering some practical support in the early stages of the year, we can help ākonga to navigate their studies and achieve their goals before too much time has passed. We envision a wide range of interventions, from ongoing mentoring, to connections with our Careers and Pathways team, and beyond.

While this group is working within Hagley, we are looking to create links with other kura in Te Taura Here o Ōtautahi to share best practice and learning experiences. We’ll keep you updated on how this project unfolds this year.