Hero photograph
Photo by Jasmine Lambert

Collaboration in 2022

Jasmine Lambert —

Summary of focuses for the new year, and areas for potential collaboration

There are a number of trends and shared areas of interest across our four achievement challenges and this should bring plenty of scope for collaboration between our kura and ECEs within Te Taura Here o Ōtautahi going foward. 

Achievement Objective 1: Culturally Responsive Practice

This is a significant achievement objective for our kāhui and one in which we have lots of good practice to share. Many of our schools and ECEs have expressed interest in collaborating in areas of cultural capability such as: te reo Māori use, tikanga Māori understandings, and embedding mātauranga Māori into curriculum.

In the culturally responsive practice area, many of us want to enhance relationships and pedagogical approaches more consistently throughout our learning spaces. Sharing ways of using the 'Hikairo Schema' from ECE, Primary, and Secondary could be a beneficial way of connecting.

Identifying and sharing best practice from our own kaiako and classrooms across the kāhui is also high on the interest list and with some creative thinking could take many shapes next year. 

Achievement Objective 2: Wellbeing

Wellbeing focuses and initiatives across our kāhui are many and varied with plenty of opportunities to connect! The NZIWR Bite-Sized Learning resource is one we'll continue to have access to next year, and could be of use in areas such as resilience-building, staff wellbeing, and classroom anxiety.

Student leadership, peer support, and students collectives is a theme across kura and has great potential for collaboration. Let's connect for 2022!

Developing the role of the classroom teacher in improving students' objective wellbeing, through subject-specific literacies for example, is an area that Hagley is very keen to connect with others in. 

Achievement Objective 3: Future Focused Learning

There is a shared desire to highlight good practice teaching and learning within modern learning environments; including collaborating across sectors to share understandings that can benefit students and kaiako working within these new spaces. Increasing student capability in self-directed learning is another area of future focused learning that kura are interested in working together in. 

There's plenty happening in our place-based learning spaces next year between the climate action campus, and the learning partnership with CCC at the Avon Loop. 

Achievement Objective 4: Pathways

Our kura and ECEs continue to focus on successful transitions into their environments. This is both at the expected entry points, as well as when students and families join the school or centre at non-traditional times. ECEs in particular are interested in networking to strengthen transitions through curriculum knowledge and practices. 

Kōrerotia mai! Get in touch!

Let's continue the kōrero and explore further ways of sharing resources and learning from each other as we head into 2022. If you have an idea or would like to work on a particular achievement challenge/ initiative please reach out to one of our ASTs, Jocelyn, Nathan, Laura, or me.