Kay, Sarah, Laura, Craig & Megan - The Ao Tawhiti Kāhui Ako Team — Apr 6, 2021

In our kura, students are able to choose and change their courses throughout the year.

Significant sites in the city

On offer next term we have two courses where the focus is place-based learning. One course is literacy based and the other is Social Science based. Together, we hope to engage and recruit a group of students to gather stories, histories, art or whatever from outside our kura’s front door. Then through digital mapping ākonga will share these stories and locations of cultural significance with the world beyond. This will be a collaborative teaching and learning experience & we are looking forward to developing the storytelling skills in our ākonga.

Steve Hunt, one of our Community Leaders and Learning Advisors is also investigating the possibility of collaborating with the Central Bus Exchange, Ecan and family members of our community, to lead a science/holistics class investigating air quality within the central city.