Hero photograph
Photo by Nathan Walsh

Transitions in to school

Nathan Walsh - Across School Kāhui Lead, Te Puna Wai O Waipapa —

The pathways achievement challenge looks closely at movement between learning environments for our ākonga.

One of the kāhui ako's achievement challenges is to support students as they transition through different year levels and schools. This collaborative project with Hagley College and Ao Tawhiti involves gathering information about school induction processes. 

The first step in the project has been to visit a range of different schools to discuss how they welcome and induct new students. This process has provided valuable insights in to the many different ways school effectively induct students relevant to their context. 

There are three next steps which Hagley College and Ao Tawhiti will work together to complete: 

1. Visit our largest contributing kura or early childhood centres to meet with teachers of incoming students. 

2. Talk to a selection of incoming students and their parents about their induction so far. 

3. Once the students have enrolled at school and have settled in the classes, talk to the same students and their parents about how their induction to school has been. 

On completion of these steps, a report of findings will be created and shared with all members of the kāhui. This may be used to inform future induction and pathways in to any kura or ECEs.