Sean's Spot

Sean Bailey —

As we come to the end of our second year of establishment, it's time to reflect and look back on all the learning successes we have had this year!

As I'm writing this in Kopara, the Year 6-8's are practising a song they will be performing at the Celebration of Learning on Monday. It has been written by Stan Walker, is in Te Reo Maori and they are singing with gusto and pride (their pronunciation is not bad either!). It has been really rewarding as a Principal to spend time in our spaces this year, observing teaching and learning and seeing our learner's grow and flourish. 

As our roll continues to increase, new learners have arrived each week to begin their learning journey at Lemonwood Grove. Transitions from other schools have proved successful due to a number of reasons:

  • We have and will continue to implement personalised inductions into our school. 
  • New learners adjust quickly to the routines and expectations we have in place as a school community. These are based around our 4 values: Responsibility, Grit, Integrity and Thinking.  
  • Our staff are passionate about education and really care about the needs of your child(ren). 
  • Our learners understand and demonstrate Tuakana/teina every day. Older learners understand the importance of looking out for and after younger learners. 
  • We embrace and celebrate diversity. 

Like any new organisation, Rome wasn't built in day. We acknowledge that there are and always will be improvements that can be made. We continue to build on our strengths as a school, to listen to our stakeholders and consider constructive feedback.

As you know we are getting a large number of visitors coming through our spaces to observe innovative teaching and learning. Our school is highly recognised across not only Canterbury but also New Zealand. 

To finish off I want to acknowledge the groups of people who have allowed our learners to be the best they can be this year:

  • Our amazing teachers, learning assistants and support staff. 
  • The Board of Trustees who continue to govern, support and resource our school effectively. 
  • LINK who have worked tirelessly this year to fundraise and provide funds to improve resources at LWG as well as provide a social link between the students, parents/caregivers and the school.
  • Our parent 'helpers' who have assisted with trips, Kea Crossing, fundraising and school events during 2018.
  • Members of our wider school community who have and continue to support us. 

We have a number of new initiatives planned for 2019 especially around enhancing our environment.

Personally, I want to thank you for your support this year, especially during my recovery in Term 1. 

Have a great Christmas and summer holiday with your family. Travel safely if you are heading out of Canterbury.

See you at our final Celebration of Learning on Monday.


Sean | Tumuaki