Hero photograph
Photo by Sean Bailey

Sean's Spot

Sean Bailey —

It's hard to believe there are only 18 more days until the end of the school year. We still have a number of tasks to complete before the 17th of December!

Spending time in our learning spaces.

Every week during our staff admin meeting on a Wednesday morning, I draw a teachers name out of a container which entitles them to an hour of release. It also gives me the opportunity to go in and teach! This week I went into Maree's whānau group who were busy getting ready for their market day on Friday. I was really impressed with how articulate they were when I questioned them about their learning during this process especially in regards to financial literacy. 

All the best for Friday Kopara. I know the market day will be a huge success!

Image by: Sean Bailey

Staff Only Day

Our staff had an awesome day of learning last Thursday. We spent the first part of the morning participating in a team challenge. We then went onto review our unique needs based curriculum as well as looking at our next steps for 2020. In the afternoon, we had the opportunity to visit Linwood Avenue School, who have recently implemented a new programme called ‘Play is the Way’.  ‘Play is the Way’ is a practical methodology for teaching social and emotional learning using guided play, classroom activities and a specific and empowering language which is embedded across all levels of a school. We are planning to start introducing this programme next year based on the difference it makes to learning. This has been evidenced through data collection and research in New Zealand and Australian Schools.  If you would like to know more about 'Play is the Way', check out the Wilson McCaskill's (founder) website: https://playistheway.com.au/

Image by: Sean Bailey

AKO Conferences 

It has been awesome to walk around our spaces this week and listen to powerful learning conversations taking place between our learners, their parents and whānau teachers. Thank you for supporting your child through this process. Please remember the importance of keeping in touch with our staff throughout the year around your child's progress and achievement. Our staff are incredibly responsive around ensuring their learners (and your children's) needs are being met. 

Principal for the Day

Tomorrow Sophie King will be Principal for the Day! Her parents were the successful bidders of this opportunity at our quiz auction. Have fun being Sean for the day Sophie!

Visiting Rolleston College | Horoeka Haemata with our Year 8's

On Tuesday I called into Rolleston College to visit our Year 8's who were on a transition visit. They are really excited about this important stage in their education. Thank you to Jen who has been supporting them and to the team at Rolleston College for making this process worthwhile.

2020 Whānau Groups

Our staff are in the final stages of organising whānau groups for next year. A great deal of time goes into this process to ensure our learners needs continue to be met. 2020 Whānau groups will be announced in Week 8 (the week beginning 2nd of December).

2020 Staff Announcements

Next week we will be providing you with information on staffing for 2020.

Stage 2 Build Consultation

Our Stage 2 build project will start in 2020. Over the next week we will be sending out a link to a survey for you to complete. Your ideas, thoughts and aspirations would be appreciated.


As we head towards the end of the year our learners are starting to get tired. Can you please make sure that your children are getting enough rest. Please let us know if they need any continued support.


We would really appreciate it if you could inform the team in reception before 9:00am if your child(ren) are going to be absent or late. We have a duty of care for all children between the hours of 9:00am - 3:00pm.


Sean | Tumuaki
