Hero photograph
Photo by Nick Gunn

Wellbeing | Parenting Workshop

Nick Gunn —

Last week Ursula McCulloch from the School Based Mental Health Team presented a work shop on resiliency.

Thank you to the parents who participated in this workshop - we hope it was useful.

Please use this link to access material that was given out at the session. The handout has bullet points around calming strategies, building confidence, communication and problem solving.

Future Workshops:

Is there a particular area of parenting or child development that you would like to learn more about? Ursula is happy to run more sessions in 2019.

Some ideas might include:

  •  Children and sleep
  • Positive parenting – Coping Kids
  • Friendships
  • Picky eaters

If you are interested in any of the above (or have your own topics of interest), please use this form to record your ideas.

This will help us plan for successive workshops in 2019.