Hero photograph
Photo by Sean Bailey


Sean Bailey —

Thank you for adjusting to the changes that have been made on Charlbury Ave. Can you please read the following reminders:

When you are dropping off and picking up your child(ren) please do not park on the left hand side of Charlbury Drive. If you intend to bring your child(ren) into school, please use the main carpark.

Please do not park on the yellow lines. This is against the law and can result in a fine from the Police.

Please use the new Kiss and Go. This does mean you will need to turn into Charlbury from Philippa Drive . We acknowledge this takes longer however this is the best way to access it. We understand that one issue has been smaller learners not being able to open the gates near the administration area. We will ensure both gates are opened on Charlbury between 8:30am and 9:00am each morning like the main gate on Lemonwood Drive.

Over the coming weeks Constable Rick Groen will be making spot checks before and after school to ensure everything is working the way it should. 

We have put a great deal of thought into these changes and consulted not only with the Selwyn District Council, but also the Police. Your support is appreciated.