Hero photograph
Photo by Nick Gunn

Lemonwood Grove Jargon Busters 1

Nick Gunn —

Each newsletter we will provide an explanation of some of the words and phrases that we use here at LWG. These articles have been updated for new and existing whanau.

Learning Landscape(s): These are our learning spaces. We currently have three of these: Tui/Kereru, Kahurangi/Maunga and Kahikitea/Kopara . We are just using the Kopara end of this learning landscape. The Kahikitea end is being used by our before and after school care providers Busy Bumbles. 

Each learning landscape is designed for 150 learners and 6 teachers (75 learners and 3 teachers at each side).

We refer to our learning spaces as learning landscapes because they are designed to provide a range of spaces and areas to support different types and learning opportunities. They are broad and varied - just like the landscape around us. . . .