Hero photograph
Photo by Blair Dravitski

Blair's Bulletin

Blair Dravitski —

The Week that was...

Wellington Adventure

This week Amy and I travelled to Wellington with our Head Boy & Head Girl to visit the Mayor of Wellington (Andy Foster), Te Papa and the beehive where we met with our local Member of Parliament Nicola Grigg. 
Bevan and Sophie were fantastic role models for our school and had some insightful questions to put to the leaders we met. 
A big thank you to Amy Lock for her continued work with our student leadership group (Ambassadors). 
If your child is interested in leadership in 2022 and is in the senior school I would encourage them to apply to be part of this group. 

Whānau Conferences

Thank you to the parents who were able to make it to Whānau conferences last week. It was a fantastic turnout and the initial feedback in the change of delivery model was very positive. 
If you have any feedback about the change, then please feel free to get in touch via email principal@lemonwoodgrove.school.nz
Thank you to those who also stopped to 'Say something Nice' about our staff. These have been displayed in the staffroom for our staff and they were very much appreciated. 

Physical Education

Feedback from previous surveys has expressed a want to be involved in school sports and our involvement in local events has increased this year. This week saw Football and Hockey teams compete locally. 
Nikki is working hard to get involved in a variety of different sports more often. 
It is important to remember with our increase in sport, we do require parent support at the event, so if you can give up any time to support it is always welcome and greatly appreciated. 

Staff Departure

As you are aware Maree is finishing up here at Lemonwood Grove School. Maree's last day will be Friday 6th August (End of Week 2). 
We want to wish Maree all the best on her next adventure. 

School Contact

Our office staff leave at 3.15pm, so if it is urgent please make contact with me via email. 
I include my email in every weekly newsletter and I check it regularly outside of school, so can respond if required. 

Holiday Break

I hope you all have a good break and can enjoy time spent with family and friends. Please remember to recharge and take time to rest up after a very busy term. 
Stay safe and I look forward to seeing you all back next term. 

Nga Mihi

Blair Dravitski