Hero photograph
Photo by Sean Bailey

Sean's Spot

Sean Bailey —

One of the best parts of my job as a principal is getting into our learning spaces and observing teaching and learning.

It's Wednesday at 10:00am and I'm sitting in Kahurangi talking to Ella one of our five year olds. She asks me "what are you doing Sean?" as I'm typing away writing this newsletter blurb and observing what's going on around me. I reply "I'm writing". She responds "I do different writing, I write in a book". Ella then comes over to my laptop and starts identifying some of the letters on my screen. This is a great example of our how confident and curious our learners are and how willing they are to have conversations with staff and make connections.  Never underestimate what a five year old can do!

Our Athletics Day on Monday was a huge success. Our learners demonstrated a great deal of GRIT especially braving the weather conditions. A huge thank you to LINK for providing the sausage sizzle and Pip for her great organisation. 

As you know, as our numbers have increased we have added further teaching support in our spaces until our new staff start next year. Mel is providing some amazing literacy support in Kahurangi and Maunga and Jacob is enjoying working with the learners in Tui.

Next Wednesday we are hosting our first ever Whānau Hui. This is an opportunity to celebrate what we are achieving together in terms of engaging our Maori learners and to discuss our next steps. Although this Hui is for our Maori families, I would like to extend an invitation to all our families. Please see the poster further on. If you would like to attend, please let me know: principal@lemonwoodgrove.school.nz

Have a great rest of the week whānau.

Sean | Tumuaki
