Sean Bailey — Feb 6, 2018

Please read the information below in regards to the 2019 Voluntary School Donation.

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

As you know New Zealand has a free state run education system where children can attend their local state school without families having to pay compulsory fees. However, in order for state schools to meet the many demands of providing a quality education, including the most up to date facilities and resources, most schools ask parents for a voluntary donation each year.

The school wants to be able to provide the best environment we can for our learners, and the funds raised via school donations are a huge help in providing some of those extra resources that otherwise wouldn't be available.

We are therefore requesting a voluntary donation of $60 per student, capped at $150 per family for 2019. Of course as this is a donation, individual families can donate an increased or lesser amount if they wish depending on personal circumstances.

For those of you wishing to spread the cost over the year, we encourage you to consider making your donation by regular instalments.

If you are a new family who has joined our school community during the year, Sarah or Helen will discuss with you our pro rata system depending on when you enrolled your child(ren) at Lemonwood Grove.

Our bank school account details are: ASB 12-3153-0053465-00.

Please ensure you include your family name and “Annual Donation” as a reference. If you wish to discuss internet banking or automatic payment options further, please speak with Sarah or Helen in the office.

Please note this is a voluntary, tax-deductible donation. If you request, we can send you a receipt to enable you to claim this on your next tax return.

Thank you in anticipation.

Drew Winter

Board of Trustees Chairperson