Hero photograph
Photo by Blair Dravitski

Blair's Bulletin

Blair Dravitski —

This Week's Theme - Change

Year 8 - Transition to College
The closer we get to the end of the term it is not uncommon to see some worry and anxiety from our Year 8 learners as the reality hits that this is their last few weeks at Lemonwood Grove School. A place where they are familiar with the environment, familiar with the staff and sit as the 'big fish' as the oldest learners in our school. 
The anxiety comes as they think about 2021 and the new school they will be attending, new people they will meet and the teachers they might have. 
As adults we have all been through our own journeys before and it is important that we treat these worries as genuine and start creating a dialogue with our children to reassure and reaffirm that this is part of life and growing up. Try and reframe their mindset to focus on the positive aspects of high school and all the opportunities they will have and the opportunity of meeting new people as a positive. If any of you feel your child would benefit from additional transition visits then high schools are happy to accomodate these. 

Staff Changes
With our growing roll we have a large number of new staff joining our team in 2021. These will be announced in the newsletter next week. We are just allowing their current schools to inform their own communities that the teachers will be leaving. 

Class Placements
As mentioned in previous correspondence our class composites will be as follows in 2021: 
Year 0/1 - Kopara/Kahikatea
Year 2/3 - Tui/Kereru
Year 4/5 - Maunga/Kahurangi
Year 6/7/8 - Prefabs (Yet to be named)

If you wish to have any input into your child's class placement then please send an email to principal@lemonwoodgrove.school.nz - These may relate to friendships or learners that work well together etc. 
We will take these considerations into account but can not guarantee anything. Emails need to be received by Friday 20th November.

Evening With The Principal
In 4 years the school has grown dramatically and many of you like me were not a part of the school when it started. As major stakeholders of our school I would like to invite you to an evening with me to discuss the school and our strategic direction as we work towards our vision - "The Best of You As You". Please join me on Thursday 26th November 7.00pm -  8.00pm in the Hall.

Ako Conferences

Thank you to all those who were able to make it to Ako Conferences. It was great to meet a number of parents that I don't always get to see during the 9-3 day. I thoroughly enjoy seeing the learners faces as they show you around their whanau space. I love seeing how proud they are. I also appreciate the feedback around our delivery model for parent engagement. You will see some new ideas and initiatives in 2021 to ensure we have a good balance of how we are communicating learning with you. 

Nga Mihi
Blair Dravitski
Lemonwood Grove School