School Payments

Sarah Lewell —

Learner statements are emailed out every month.  Alternatively, you can view your statements anytime by logging into your Linc-ed account and clicking on 'menu' and then '$'.

Image by: Sarah Lewell

Payment Method 

All accounts that are entered into linc-ed are to be paid by electronic banking as we do not have cash/eftpos facilities.  

How to Pay

Please put your learners name as a reference when making your payment.  If you are wanting to pay for a particular invoice then you can also include the invoice number or the activity name. If there is no reference then we will apply the payment to the most outstanding open account.  

When paying your account please feel free to put through one full payment rather than individual payments.  For example:

Swimming $50

Flips & Tumbles $30

Instead of paying two separate payments, just combine to pay a total of $80.

Voluntary Donation

If you are paying for your school donation then please ensure you put "Donation" in the reference field.  We will not apply payments to open donation accounts unless you have included this as the reference, emailed us or if the total amount still owing on your account is the same as the payment that you have made. 

If you have any questions about your account then please contact the office.

Thanks for your help with this.