Sean Bailey — May 21, 2019

This week we would like to update you on our current property projects.

We recently installed an air conditioning system after the Ministry of Education finally agreed that natural ventilation was not sufficient especially in the hot summer months. This is a great result and will enhance staff and learners well being.

Shared Waitaha & LWG Playground

One major project that we are about to kick start is a combined Waitaha and LWG playground. Last year Waitaha School donated playground equipment from their previous site on Kirk Rd in Templeton. After discussions with both boards of trustees, it was decided that a shared playground would be a great idea to link our two sites and demonstrate further collaboration.

LINK have kindly agreed to collaborate with both boards to drive this project. Last week I met with Cherie King to discuss funding. Our aim is to apply for community grant funding to raise around $70,000. This will pay for soft fall matting, and installing/adding extra pieces of equipment. 

Next week you will see a large visual display on one of the windows in reception to promote this project and keep you updated. We are hoping to have this installed by the end of the year.


We are planning to add further planting to the front of the school shortly. One of our grandparents has kindly donated some funding towards the cost of these trees & plants.

New storage and 'selling' space.

Before the end of the year we are also planning to build another storage space near the existing caretakers shed. Part of this space will have an area that will be able to be used by our learners and community for selling and distribution.

Image by: Sean Bailey

Exterior Art Works.

This year we will be working with our local Rūnanga to add some cultural art works to the exterior of our school. These will be designed with our learners and community and will relate to our local Cultural Narrative. 

Working Bee

Just a reminder about our Working Bee which is scheduled for Saturday June 8 from 1-4pm.

Outline of the jobs that we have planned. 

LINK will provide some funding towards the cost of the raised vege gardens however if you know of a local company who could provide discounted timber please see Nick or myself. 

We would really appreciate as much support as possible for this event. This is your school and we really appreciate your help to ensure our learners and your children receive the best education. 

Further Shade Sails

$14,000 of funding from Pub Charity will provide 3 new shade sails around the school shortly. This will ensure we continue to meet our responsibilities as a sun smart school. 

All the best to our 13 learners who are participating in the Zone Cross Country on Monday. Thanks to Pip who has been preparing our learners for this event. Go hard!


Sean | Tumuaki