Hero photograph
Photo by Sean Bailey

Sean's Spot

Sean Bailey —

We have all had a really positive start to the year. It has been great to see our learners come back refreshed and ready for the learning challenges ahead. 

Thank you for ensuring your child/ren  arrived last week with a tidy school uniform and all the tools needed. Some learners still need the correct stationary so we would appreciate it if you could organise this. 

Over the last few days I have been spending as much time as I can in the Learning Landscapes talking to our learners about the beginning of year experiences they have been involved in.  

As you will have seen we are now teaching and learning across two Learning Landscapes. Everyone is really enjoying the extra space while we can!

I have also been trying to learn our thirty nine new learners names. A big welcome to you and your families. We hope you enjoy your association with Lemonwood Grove. Although we are a relatively new school we have already established a number of ways we can connect with each other. If you are a new family and would like to be buddied up with an existing family, please let me know.

We hope you enjoyed  the Mihi Whakatau on Friday. Thank you to the staff who organised this. Unfortunately I was in hospital having some tests carried out so was unable to be there. 

Next week you will receive a Linc-Ed post around communication. Please make sure you read this important information. 

We are really excited to introduce a new eNews format called Hail. It will allow you to access and read the newsletter easily especially on mobile devices.  As you will discover the articles  can be shared easily with for example family overseas. 

Have a great term everyone.

Ka kite 
