Hero photograph
Photo by Sean Bailey

Sean's Spot

Sean Bailey —

It was great to see a large turnout at our Parent Education Workshop last night.

This workshop is an important part of our enrolment and induction process at LWG. We think it's critical that whānau have a really clear understanding around WHY we do, what we do. These regular workshops also give you the opportunity to inquire, ask questions and clarify which is part of the learning process.

Our WHY as you know focuses on the core elements of our unique school based curriculum especially our vision, values and beliefs. 

When we are walking through the Grove during enrolment meetings, we stop at the Golden Circle wall and discuss not only our WHY but also our HOW (Principles of Learning) and our WHAT (our practices). Often parents will  recognise this visual as they have used it in their workplace which shows a powerful connection between school and preparing learners for the future. 

As a staff we often come back to this wall and check that we are on track and keeping true to the intentions we developed when we established our unique curriculum back in 2016. Our practices will change over time (depending on the needs of our learners) however our WHY and HOW continue to be lived out every day.

If you would like to learn more about our unique school based curriculum, click this link: LWG Curriculum

One of our Principles of learning is Encouraging & Empowering Learners to make Connections.  An approach we use to ensure this principle is developed across the school is linking learning from school to home.  The introduction of Progression Based Reporting soon will ensure you have a really clear understanding of WHAT your child has been learning and their next steps. 

Over the coming weeks you will be given multiple opportunities to learn about this reporting system. We strongly encourage you to engage in these opportunities and conversations.

There are many other ways we can link learning to home (and vice versa). This week I have provided some questions/prompts you can use when asking your child/ren about what they have learnt during the day! 

Questions to ask your child(ren) about their day at School

We are really looking forward to the Cross Country next week. Make sure you encourage your child/ren to get some extra training sessions in before Monday!

And just to finish off we are restarting Kapahaka next week!  We are engaging with Steve Hira from Kapahikitea who also works with the learners at West Rolleston School.


Sean | Tumuaki
