Sean Bailey — Oct 17, 2018

Please join us tomorrow, Tuesday @ 9:30am to formally welcome our new staff, learners and their Whānau!

We would like to invite all of our school community to come along and help us welcome our new learners, staff and their whānau into the Te Uru Tarata - Lemonwood Grove Community followed by Kai on Tuesday 11 February.

The structure of our Mihi Whakatau is as follows:

9:15am - On the day of the Mihi Whakatau, new staff, learners and their whānau (family) meet in the Information Landscape.

9.30am - Welcome

Tangata Whenua

Sean takes on the role of tangata whenua (host) sharing a whaikorero (welcoming speech) which is followed by a waiata (rere rere) sung by the school.


A community member will then reply on behalf of the new families (whanau) with a whaikorero (speech), followed by a waiata (He Honore) which the new learners will already know.


New whanau walk past the line of established whanau and hongi or shake hands.


Whānau are invited to get a coffee and kai from Grove.

Karakia Kai - blessing before we eat.