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Photo by Sean Bailey

Dr. Lucy Hone Presentation

Sean Bailey —

On 18 October the schools in our Kāhui Ako invited Dr. Lucy Hone along to speak to whanau at Rolleston College. The topic of her presentation was RESILIENCE: How can we promote it in ourselves and others? Lessons from academia & life.

Some Key Messages from Lucy's Presentation

Ø More than half of the New Zealand population will meet the criteria for a mental disorder at some stage in their lives (Source: Mental Health Foundation).

Ø In terms of mental distress, four in five adults (aged 15 years or more) have experience of mental distress personally or among people they know.

Ø What do we need to be focusing on: happiness, health, confidence, contentment, personal fulfilment, love, friendships.

Ø You can not just think yourself ‘positive’.

Ø Negative emotions teach us good lessons.

Ø The current thinking and research is around Positive Psychology and Positive Education.

Ø Definition of wellbeing “feeling good and functioning well”.

Ø The important elements: sleep, diet, good relationships, direction in your life/purpose.

Ø Resilience = coping with difficulty/adversity & learning from it. ‘Requires ordinary magic’.

Ø Resilience helps us to overcome the obstacles of childhood, steer through everyday stresses, adapt to major life change/loss, reach out.

Ø How can we override the negativity bias: accept the good, gratitude is strongly related to resilience. Some people are born grateful, others should practice. 

Ø Ask ourselves: What went well today? Why?

Ø Thinking optimistically is good for you. 

Ø Ask this important question: Is this helping me or harming me?

Ø Understand that struggle is a normal part of life.

Ø Do box breathing (when you’re feeling derailed).

Ø The skills of well being and resilience can be taught and learned!