Hero photograph
Photo by Jen Hodgkinson

Through your eyes

Jen Hodgkinson —

At Te Uru Tarata - Lemonwood Grove we believe in developing a strong partnership between home, school, child and learning. At the end of this week we will be sending home a 'Through Your Eyes' sheet for whānau to complete and return to your child's whānau teacher.

You know your child better than anyone, including their strengths and weaknesses, their interests and talents, and what works for them. You are the most important out-of-school influence on your child’s educational success. 

Your child’s teachers are the most important in-school influence on your child’s educational success. They will take the time to know your child – what they are interested in and how they like to learn. 

Your child is more likely to make progress and succeed when you, your child and their teachers: work together in a way that is focused on learning, share information and expertise,  acknowledge, understand and celebrate similarities and differences. 

A child who does well at school and learns a range of skills, both in and out of school, will have more opportunities and choices in life.