Hero photograph
Photo by Sean Bailey

Sean's Spot

Sean Bailey —

It was encouraging to see a large number of whānau at our Information Evening last night.

The purpose of the evening was to outline the 'why' behind our authentic, student lead curriculum. The Lemonwood Grove School Curriculum is personalised, unique and based on sound, current educational research. This was validated last year by the Education Review Office (ERO)

"Students are given the framework to control what, when, where and how they learn. This framework is well organised and planned, but flexible. Planning for learning is future-focused and emphasises the development of strong learner-centred relationships. This planning philosophy prioritises connected learning that embraces the knowledge, skills and attitudes the school’s vision promotes for each learner. The unique school-based learning approach includes learning through play, enrichment programmes, links between the values and dispositions (competencies), and clear alignment with the school’s principles for learning." - Education Review Office Report, 2018.

Thank you to our awesome staff for facilitating this evening.

Our Board of Trustees met last night for their first meeting of the year. They have a number of priorities for 2019 which is exciting. Gathering feedback around our 6 new Annual Goals will occur early this term. These goals are:

1. Continue to invest in senior and middle leadership while ensuring that all staff continue to be reflective in their practice.

2. Place  a lens on powerful learning by ensuring that our learners can articulate what they are learning, why they are learning and what their next steps are especially in reading, writing and mathematics.

3. Ensure that our whānau are connected to their child’s learning by using a variety of approaches.

4. Provide our learners with a number of opportunities to connect with the local and wider community (including the schools in our Kāhui Ako).

5. Continue to develop and enhance our school environment and include community and student voice in doing so.

6. Improve the wellbeing amongst a selected targeted group.

The board and staff have developed a number of draft strategies relating to these goals and would now like your input! If you would like to be part of a small focus group to share your ideas, join Drew Winter and I on Wednesday 27 February @ 2:00pm. Please RSVP to office@lemonwoodgrove.school.nz

By attending you could win a $20 coffee voucher. Your input would be appreciated.

Another focus this term will be providing submissions around the Tomorrow's Schools Review Report which was released at the end of 2018. This will form the basis of the largest education review to take place in New Zealand since Tomorrow's School's was implemented in 1989. 

The report covers eight key issues around education in New Zealand: Governance; Schooling Provision; Competition and Choice; Disability and Learning Support; Teaching; Leadership; Resourcing; and Central Government Agencies.

Public consultation on the Tomorrow’s Schools Review report, Our Schooling Futures, Stronger Together l Whiria Ngā Kura Tūātinitini, is open until 7 April 2019. 

I encourage you first to watch this short video: 


The report is 140 pages however there is a 10 page summary to read if you are short on time. An online survey is open until 31 March for you to provide feedback on the key issues and recommendations in this report. Click here to have your say


Sean | Tumuaki
