by Jen Hodgkinson
Helen Devlin — November 6, 2019
Kopara are running a Market Day tomorrow.
The following information is how tickets can be purchased for learners to buy items on the day:
Tickets will be used to buy items and will be sold in Week 6 on Wednesday 20th, Thursday 21st and Friday 22nd November before school (outside the hall).
1 ticket = 50 cents.
Items range in price from $0.50 - $4.00.
Each learner will need to bring a snaplock bag with their money in it and their NAME and WHANAU TEACHER written clearly on it. We will put the tickets into the same bag. It is the learners responsibility to look after their tickets until the Market Day.
The Market Day will run from 11am to 1pm in the hall and all learners are invited to attend.
Kopara Team