Office Sefton School — Feb 23, 2023

Josh has had an amazing sporting term 1....

Josh is part of the Waimak United Football club and this month had an opportunity to try out for the the Waimak United 12th grade development team.

This was a two day trail in which skills were tested, games were played and watched closely by selectors who were looking out for not only skill set but also teamwork and working ability.

Josh worked hard to make it to this trial and has come away with a place on the team.

Josh has played Touch over the summer and last was awarded the  Most Valuable Player award for his team the Waimak Flyers!

Congratulations Josh on your MVP award and your football selection we know you will work hard and have a successful season.

*If you spot a Sefton kid (present or past) doing something cool or achieving greatness let's celebrate this and send a photo with all information to katie hopefully with your help we can make this a regular addition. So many of our tamariki are out there achieving in their chosen activities be it art, sport, dance, writing, chess, gardening, volunteering the list is endless.