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Te Aroha College

Holiday Health and Well-being by

Holiday Health and Well-being

Danielle Gemmell - November 26, 2024

Summer is here with its promise of sunshine and fun.   Despite this, sometimes things can happen that impact mental health and well-being.  If you’re experiencing overwhelm, low mood or ongoing sadness and it won’t go away, be sure to reach out to someone who can help.  This may be to a trusted whānau member, adult or health professional, such as your doctor, social worker or counsellor.

If you require counselling support, or simply someone to talk with, the following services and helplines offer a free 24/7 service:

Te Korowai Hauora o Hauraki, Hinengaro service - freephone 0508 111 555. 

This is an immediate response phone line and a local service. They will take you call and connect you with the appropriate service.  

Other numbers to call to access a trained counsellor:

Mental Health Foundation  Free call or text 1737

Lifeline 0800 543 354 Free text 4357 (HELP)  

Youthline 0800 376 633 Free text 234  

Samaritans 0800 726 666


The school doctor is available some weeks. Doctor’s appointments are organised by the school nurse and may be either a face to face or virtual appointment.'

Phone and Video Consultations for patients in Rural Communities

Book online or call us on 0800 2 KA ORA (0800 252 672)

Ka Ora Telecare provides people living in rural areas with a quick and easy solution to connect with a health care professional for afterhours Medical Advice and Treatment . 

Personal care and period products

See the School Nurse or Sarah Verran-Tye for these before the College term ends, on Tuesday 10 December.  Phone College Reception, 07 884 8625, or email

Kura Kai

Meals are available for families experiencing food scarcity.  Email Sarah -, or Ken – Or, phone the College Reception, 07 884 8625 to leave a message for Sarah or Ken.

Wishing you a happy and safe holiday break, from the Pastoral Care team.