Hero photograph
Photo by Neil Harray

Engagement reports and attendance update

Neil Harray —

We have refined the engagement reports from the feedback from parents. Thank you, your feedback helps us communicate more effectively with you.

Engagement reports

We received quite a bit of feedback regarding the first round of engagement reporting. This report is meant to be a quick way of reviewing the past three weeks of learning and engagement in lessons. 

Please remember that a "3" means that everything is on track, going well and students meeting our expectations. Our expectations for the quality of work and effort from our students is higher than last year. 

I would expect that most students to have a majority of "3's" in their engagement report. If there are "4's" then something really good has happened during that time frame and a "5" would indicate something pretty exceptional. It is really nice to hear lots of our students wanting to improve on their scores from the previous report. 


Overall, attendance has been pretty good. However, as I have mentioned on a number of occasions, the link between students being at school, every lesson with academic and social success is very strong. Simply, students have to be at school. The more learning time they miss the harder it is for them to keep up and make progress.

I have been really pleased with parents supporting us and ensuring that their children are at school. 

There is an image attached to this article that shows just how much learning is lost by non-attendance. It is concerning how quickly a day here-or-there adds up. 

At the top right of the engagement report is the overall attendance percentage for your child. If you have concerns or things don't add up, please contact your child's Form Teacher or Dean to get more information.