by Danielle Gemmell

Pōwhiri 2024

On Tuesday 30th January we formally welcomed our new Year 9 ākonga/students and their whānau/families to Te Aroha College with a pōwhiri. The evening commenced with those new to the school community welcomed onto the school grounds by our Staff, Kapahaka & Year 13 group. We were proud to have Year 12 Charley Wahanui represent our school with his whaikorero alongside Mr Neil Harray, our Principal.

Formalities completed, the crowd of over 300 was happy to escape the heat of the hall and join together under the trees outside for a BBQ dinner.

It was so nice to reconnect with each other and remind ourselves that schools are important hubs of any community. Staff are excited about the year ahead and can’t wait to get to know our new ākonga and embark on learning journeys with them all.