Hero photograph

Tēnā koutou whānau, parents, students and friends and welcome to Term 4!

Tumuaki —

We have a lot to celebrate

Term 4, whilst a short one for senior students, is also a time of celebration. The Sports Awards evening was followed by the Arts and Te Moana Nui A Kiwi and we have Senior and Junior Prizegivings to follow. These celebrations acknowledge the commitment and dedication by coaches, managers and of course our students who not only participate in their chosen passions but also support the wellbeing of themselves and of engagement in our school. Our students leaders do a fabulous job in facilitating these events and having had the privilege of attending them all, I feel immensely proud of the sacrifices, commitment and service that they give back to our College. Congratulations to everyone who played a part, not matter how big or small, in supporting our College.

Keeping the focus on well being

I continue to keep this in our newsletter as a constant reminder of the importance of wellbeing. In busier times, like the days leading up to NCEA, we can lose sight of connecting, being active and the like. The Mental Health Foundations 5 ways to well being are a friendly reminder of ensuring that we keep a good balance.

An Update on J Block

After a flurry of information regarding J Block, here is the latest update into the weather tightness, earthquake strengthening and redesigned learning space of this block. Inside, the block has been cleared and only the main walls remain. Potential contractors have been visiting and plans for the refurbishment are still on track to begin in December. In the meantime, I have been working with key staff and iwi leaders to support our schools cultural narrative. The refurbishment of this block will enable some of that narrative to be shown in the new building. Interior colors and materials have also been chosen so when the work begins, we will be ready to meet each stage of the construction and redesign plan. Thank you once again to those staff and students who were relocated to other classrooms during the decanting process.

Learning catch up - our plan

With only a few days before our senior students leave for NCEA preparation, a number of tutorials continue to be offered. Please encourage your young person to attend. In addition to this, teachers have nominated a number of students who have been most negatively impacted in their learning due to winter illness and or COVID and would benefit from attending an additional ‘catch up’ workshop. Letters of invitation to the additional workshops have been emailed to those nominated students.


I have been overwhelmed by the share number of university/tertiary scholarships offered to our Year 13 students. Once again, we celebrate the talent and deduction of our learners! Some have received several offers and will be in a privileged position to choose. Some have received offers of a full accommodation allowance as well as an additional scholarship towards tuition fees. I look forward to sharing this information at our Senior Prizegiving.

Behavior Expectations

When our senior students take exam leave, we remind our Year 9 and 10 students and their whānau/parents that we restrict student movement around the campus to allow quiet exam conditions to be afforded to those completing NCEA assessments. There is plenty of shade and opportunity to engage in lunchtime sports and other activities during the break time in those spaces. We encourage your young person to avoid getting on their phone and instead use this time to connect with people through conversation, playing sports or helping others. Students should be in correct school uniform unless they have a temporary uniform pass issued by the Deans and after a note/email from home has been communicated. We appreciate families working with us to ensure we take pride in all that we do and that includes living out our schools values of respect, pride and participation.

Exam prep tips?

Here are a few tips from some students:

  1. Have a study plan

  2. Avoid cramming

  3. Take breaks, go for a walk, cycle ride, walk the dog

  4. Attend tutorials, they really do help

  5. Practice responding in the way you will be asked - eg if your exam requires you to write an answer, then practice writing one! No point in saying it allowed to the mirror

  6. Eat well, hydrate (water) and get plenty of sleep

  7. Negotiate getting off a few chores…if you can

  8. Do the best that you can and if at first that Q seems daunting, take a breath and tell yourself you can do this!

Breakfast Club

The club is held in Te Manawa (former C Block). Hot Milo, cereal and toast is available to all from 8-8.30am. There is no cost and all are welcome. The fabulous Mrs Bidois prepares lunch/kai for students at this time also. At our kura, we endeavour to ensure that everyone is fed and is energized for the day.

Traffic Management

Whānau please take care when picking up or dropping off your daughter at TGC. 22 Ave and Cameron Rd are already busy spaces with cars and buses, let alone school cars and school buses. Please be respectful of them and of course pedestrians. There have been some close calls lately. We appreciate your patience and understanding.