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Immediate online positive parenting support offered to all families in Aotearoa


To support mental health, resilience and emotional wellbeing for our tamariki and rangatahi, Ministry of Health are partnering with Whāraurau to offer free online versions of the Triple P – Positive Parenting Program® across the country.

Triple P is an evidence-based programme with a long history of successful use in New Zealand. More than 10,000 New Zealand whānau have accessed some type of Triple P support in the areas where it has been available free for the past 10 years, with many turning to online programmes throughout the COVID 19 pandemic.

There are three free Triple P Online programmes available throughout Aotearoa to help parents and caregivers positively support children to reduce anxiety, build emotional resilience and life skills, and cope with life’s challenges. These programs also help whānau stay calm and optimistic, guide behaviour positively, and encourage children’s learning.

FEAR-LESS TRIPLE P ONLINE – for parents and caregivers of children and teenagers (6-14 years) who have significant anxiety.
This 6-module online course gives parents and caregivers a better understanding of anxiety, gives them skills and strategies to improve children’s coping capacity, and helps parents develop safe, gradual ways for children and teens to face anxiety-provoking situations and overcome their fears. It also helps boost children’s and teenagers’ confidence and problem-solving skills.

TRIPLE P ONLINE – positive parenting for those who have toddlers to 12-year-olds.
This 8-module online course helps parents and caregivers develop a range of positive ways to address child behaviours, promote new skills and help emotional self-regulation, to help them improve family relationships and raise happier, more confident and capable tamariki.

TEEN TRIPLE P ONLINE – positive parenting for those who have ‘tweens’ or teenagers – 10-16 years
This 6-module online course helps parents and caregivers understand more about pre-teen and teenage development and behaviour, so they can provide the best environment for raising responsible, resilient rangatahi while maintaining close relationships and minimising conflict.

Caregivers can immediately register and begin their free online programmes by visiting www.triplep-parenting.net.nz.