Hero photograph
Photo by TGC

Adrenalin Forest


Year 9 Activities Day

As part of this activity day we took a group of 26 students to the Adrenalin Forest high ropes course in TECT park. The weather was perfect and there were some apprehensive people on the bus! After gearing up in all the safety equipment and learning how this functioned, the girls headed into the forest to start on the course.

The activity is made up of six different levels, Level 1 being the easiest and lowest to the ground, with each level increasing in height and difficulty, all the way up to Level six, which is around 20m off the ground!

Everyone had a great time and it was fantastic to see each one of the students step outside their comfort zone and really challenge themselves, both physically and mentally. Another pleasing aspect was the way in which everyone supported each other throughout the day, as each one of us on the course experienced some very challenging moments. The lessons learnt while doing these types of outdoor activities are invaluable - self confidence, resilience, overcoming fear, facing challenges. Overall, it was an awesome and valuable experience for everyone involved.