Celebrating International Women’s Day
Tuesday 8th of March was International Women’s Day, and Tauranga Girls’ College celebrated the occasion with a non-uniform day and some awesome activities.
Students came to school looking dashing in their outfits inspired by the theme: ‘who inspires you?’ Dressed up as their mums, friends, teachers, nurses, and an array of other inspirational figures, it was clear to see that TGC students have some incredible wāhine in their lives. Deputy Head Prefect of Sport Molly Cachemaille says her highlight was “seeing everyone getting involved and dressing up as the women who inspire them! The day was so fun and it was so good seeing everyone smiling.”
To start the day off, a virtual assembly was held to celebrate the achievements of students and staff. Congratulations to those who were honoured for their success in school academia, NCEA scholarships, Duke of Edinburgh, volunteer work, swimming sports and athletic sports. Evidently, Tauranga Girls’ College has its own fair share of inspirational wāhine who are doing great things for their community and their own individual endeavours!
Next, a group art project was held at lunchtime where students could tell the story of their inspirational person and add it to a display board with the 2022 International Women’s Day theme of #breakthebias. This year’s theme aims to end bias against women and create equitable outcomes for women around the globe. By sharing the stories of inspirational women, it is hoped that students at TGC will be empowered to create their own success stories and #breakthebias for a better future. “It was so cool to see all of the amazing women that inspire the students of TGC,” says Deputy Head Prefect of Cultural Diversity Hemorere Heke-Ririnui. The art installation will be in the J Block foyer for one week before it is dismantled and turned into a scrapbook for the school library to commemorate International Women’s Day 2022.
Another great outcome of the day was that TGC students raised more than $250 to support wāhine in the local community through Tauranga Women’s Refuge. The money raised will go towards providing safe spaces for women and children who are victims of domestic violence, and is a step towards ‘breaking the bias’ in our local community.
Overall, the day was a huge success. Tauranga Girls’ College is incredibly lucky to be influenced by so many wonderful wāhine, whether they be students, staff, parents and caregivers, or others within and outside of the TGC community. Happy belated International Women’s Day from Team TGC!