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Leavers Celebrations

Ella Mitchell —

It’s that time of year when we say haere rā to our Year 13 cohort as they leave Tauranga Girls’ College and get ready to take on the big, wide world! This year’s leavers celebrations were held on-site and featured a fun-filled final assembly, cake, and a pool party.

There were some outstanding entries for the annual hat competition, with winners Jasmine Watchorn and Lily Knight sporting sombreros filled with nachos and guacamole!

Our Head Prefects presented a poem reflecting on their year as student leaders and presented Ms Kanji with her very own Oodie for being “such a goodie.”

Salma Hassan was awarded the Year 13 Friendship Trophy, as voted by her peers. The Friendship Trophy is awarded to a student who shows the values of a true friend and is known throughout the cohort for their kindness and friendliness to others. Congratulations Salma, and thank you for being a wonderful friend to the Class of 2022 throughout your time at TGC.

Staff and students in Years 9-12 were then dazzled by the dance moves of the leaving cohort who performed their leavers dance. Thank you to our student choreographers Chloe Gisby, Ajah Cameron and Lucca Toomey for all of the mahi that went into this performance!

The leavers pool party was lots of fun with students given the opportunity to swim and enjoy free Mr Whippy ice cream. With beautiful, sunny weather, it was the perfect day for swimming and a picnic. The Leavers Committee put on a spectacular BBQ and morning tea for everyone to enjoy, followed by cake and farewells.

Before leaving, our Year 13s were gifted a drink bottle in their house colour as a memento of their TGC journey, and then they were sent on their way to explore life beyond TGC!

All of our Year 13 ākonga had a fantastic time celebrating the end of their college journey with friends and staff. Thank you to our 2022 Leavers Committee and Mrs Bellworthy for all of the mahi behind the scenes that went into creating such a wonderful day!